Kurhaus Trifels

Kurhaus Trifels

Trifels castle


Travel information

Annweiler is about 140 km south of Frankfurt and can be reached

A trip planner can be found at the hotel webpage www.kurhaus-trifels.de.

For train connections see www.bahn.de.

About the area:

The southern Palatinate is an attractive region for nature-lovers, hikers, cyclists, and gourmets of wine. With its diverse scenery, it boasts lovely wineyards, wooded ridges, and rocky mountain tops. Trifels castle lies just opposite of the Kurhaus Trifels on one of the peaks of a red sanstone mountain.

This castle is famous as the site where King Richard I of England (Richard the Lionheart) was imprisoned after he had been captured by Duke Leopold V of Austria near Vienna in December 1192 on his return from the Third Crusade.


October 1, 2014: submission to proceedings
April 7-10, 2014: conference
February 28, 2014: registration (latest)
February 7, 2014: author notification
January 31, 2014: abstract submission

Funding and organizers

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Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern Logo JKU - Applied Geometry Logo Felix Klein Zentrum für Mathematik Logo Computational Mathematical Modeling Logo Terrific Logo Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik